Tuesday, August 19, 2008

knock knock knock?

When we moved to Knoxville, we just happened to move next door to a nice guy and his Jehovah's Witness wife. I don't have anything against anyone's religion as long as they don't go pushing it on me. Jehovah's Witnesses are known to do that but she hasn't so that's cool. The irony is that over the past 13 months, I've gone next door to chit chat with the guy so I'll knock on the front door... and wait... and knock again... and again... No one ever answers the door! Even when I know for a fact that someone is home, they still don't answer! I've gone over on different days of the week, different times of day, still no answer. 

Jehovah's Witnesses don't answer the knock at the door.  Hmm, who'da thunk it?