Tuesday, September 15, 2009

big bang theory

I've recently discovered CBS' The Big Bang Theory I remember when it was first announced in the Fall lineup a couple years ago and I liked the premise. I never watched it on TV because I just knew that it was going to get pulled off the air for being too cerebral. I didn't want to get too attached to the show only to have it cancelled a few episodes in. The fact that the main characters are dorky physicists with poor social skills was my first clue that it wouldn't be on the air too long (see also Futurama). The jokes are almost all very smart - How many TV shows can make 3 Schrodinger's Cat jokes in 2 episodes and still be funny? Well the show starts its 3rd season soon. Whoda thunk it?
I really love the show because I can relate in a huge way to all 4 of the main characters. Obviously most of their quirks are exaggerated for TV, but those quirks are based on reality.
- Sheldon is the alpha geek & former child prodigy. He was treated differently as a child and he doesn't have a clue about the real world. Sarcasm is lost on him. Accuracy in everything is important to him.
- Howard is a hornball. Plain & simple. He has no idea how to woo the ladies but he keeps trying because, statistically, he's bound to score at some point.
- Raj literally can't speak to pretty girls unless he's drunk.
- Leonard may be awkward but he has a slight grasp on reality - sometimes more so than his buddies. He has the hots for his attractive "normal" neighbor across the hall. He tries hard to get on her good side but ends up being the "nice guy" far more times than should be allowed.

yeah I can relate to these guys. :-(