Wednesday, March 02, 2011

home again

I'm back home in Jacksonville. We're staying with my dad until we can get back on our feet. I have no idea how long that will take but I hope it's soon. We are still basically living out of suitcases. I'm forced to use my 6 year old 12" PowerBook G4 for my daily computing which includes job searching and communications. It's rough, but I'm getting by. It took a few weeks to recover from the actual move and start to feel better. I'm trying to fend off boredom but luckily the weather is wonderful and I've got my bike out of storage so I can get out and enjoy the weather as well as get some exercise so I can lose this excess weight I've put on. I've had a very promising job interview, but I will have to wait a while before I'll find out anything. For now, I'm just glad I'm back home in familiar surroundings and the stress of the past 3 1/2 years is behind me.