Monday, August 06, 2007

gosh it's hot

Yesterday was the first day that I could finally say "This is FLORIDA hot" in Knoxville. It was in the mid 90s and I don't know what the humidity was but it was up there too. I had the misfortune of having to mow the lawn for the first time yesterday and I nearly passed out when I was done (yes I drank lots of water during). Granted, most of that was because 1) i'm out of shape and 2) my property does have some pretty steep slopes on it that I am not used to. I should have known better than to start mowing on the first weekend in August. I know from historical experience that the end of July/beginning of August is the hottest time of year anywhere. I know one person who remembers! But I'm a tard. After I nearly passed out, I quickly jumped into the swimming pool and it never felt so good. I think I just floated for half an hour while my body temperature returned to normal.
I'm used to the extreme heat and humidty in Florida. I just haven't gotten used to when it occurs in Tennessee yet.

Winter is another story! see me in 6 months...

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