Thursday, February 09, 2006

out of season election rant

"I don't vote because it's just a wasted vote" "Why vote? _____ is going to win anyway" "I'll vote but I'll only vote for the person who is going to win"

Where do I begin?... ok let's see here... The voter turn out for the past few presidential and even congressional elections has been less than 60%. That number is based on the number of people who are actually REGISTERED to vote. I remember reading estimates that the number of registered voters is less than 1/2 of the ELIGIBLE voters (over 18 years old, US citizen etc). So that means 60% of 50% of the potential voters in this country actually had their voices heard - for better or for worse. I'll do the math for you... that works out to only about 1/3 of all Americans who have the right to vote actually exercised that right.
Let's go back to the UNREGISTERED voters - people who don't WANT to vote for various reasons. As an American and as a human being you have an opinion. So if this other half of the country actually spoke up and said something, can you imagine how the elections could have been different?
Now those who registered, but voted for "Mr popular" or who they "thought was going to win anyway"... Do you realize how many of you there are? If all of you actually joined forces and even compared notes, I would bet that you would all have similar feelings on issues and who you REALLY wanted to lead us. I think if people really voted with their hearts, Ross Perot would have been a bigger contender in the '92 election. Who knows, he may have actually won. [those of you who laugh and say "yeah right, what a loon!", just think of how many people said the same thing of the people who actually were elected into office.]
OK so our choices haven't been all that great to begin with. I honestly believe that if, at all levels of government, we vote with our hearts and not be afraid to be on the "losing team" that will truly send a message to the established political parties. It will tell them that we don't want their pre-packaged, commercialized puppet who does their party's bidding. If enough people vote for the Green party or Libertarian or any of the numerous smaller parties or even if we go with truly Independent candidates, your vote will not be wasted. OK so your guy may not win this election but if EVERYONE votes with their heart, you never know.

Just remember that there are more Americans who DID NOT vote than those who voted for the winner. Let's gang up on them and speak our minds!

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