Monday, January 22, 2007

slightly bigger crumbs

Since my last post, I got a part time job at a local law school as a computer lab monkey. All I did was sit in the lab and make sure the printers had paper and students could get help with their computer problems. I worked there a grand total of 4 days and helped maybe 5 people. I restocked the paper in a 2000 sheet tray 3 times PER DAY. damn that's a lot of paper! But things have progressed a bit since I started at the law school. I interviewed at [a local university] for a computer tech job and got the job. They were wondering why someone with my qualifications was applying for such a low paying job [it really is]. I told them that I had a mortgage and a fiance to pay for. I guess they accepted that answer and picked me. They do have a classroom or 2 of Macs but no one there really has any idea of how to work on them or configure them. At least I'll be back on Macs again and in education. However, I did find an ad in the paper for an actual Mac network admin/engineer. I applied for it. If that job pays what it should, I really hope that one presents itself.

damn I hate job hopping.

1 comment:

Joe Pennant said...

The breadbox is either half full or half empty