Tuesday, February 06, 2007

catholic marriage 101

This past Saturday my lovely fiance and I attended a "pre cana". It's basically pre-marriage counseling so you know what you're in for when you get married. Since this is thru the Catholic church, there was a lot of preaching and condemnation of premarital sex and contraception etc. The thing I got out of the preaching was this:
God gave us all free will. We are all absolutely free to do whatever it is we want. However, if we don't do what the men in funny hats tell us, the creator of the universe who has the power to blink you out of existence will become very angry. ... but we have free will.

If this isn't the epitome of passive-agressive, I don't know what is. This is why i do not believe in ANY organized religion.

As far as the stuff that was actually related to marriage, I thought it was good stuff. It basically confirmed all the ideas and beliefs about marriage that I developed for myself over the years.

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